Are you ready to...

Transform your relationship to money? 

Join me in The Holistic Money Course to Elevate Your Money Mindset and Build an Automated Plan to Grow Your Wealth!

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Before I tell you all about this, let's talk about who it's really for...

The Holistic Money Course is for freedom seekers like you. You have no shortage of ambition but are tired of feeling like money is a mystery. You are ready to learn exactly how to build wealth and have money plan that keeps you on track with your goals, without restriction or white-knuckling.

Perhaps you…

  • Make good money but you lack a clear roadmap for how to use it, leaving you wondering what you're truly working towards.

  • Tired of debt and want a money system that makes paying off credit cards, saving and investing simple and inevitable.

  • In a relationship where you share (or would like to share) money with a partner and desire a shared vision and plan that allows you to get on the same page and work together to build the life of your dreams.

You're in the right place!

The Holistic Money program is specifically designed to work with individuals and couples who are ready to build wealth and build a secure foundation for their financial future.

Curious how? (Keep scrolling, my friend.)

Give me the Holistic Money Magic!

Here's what you will do ....

01. Transform your Money Mindset

Shift from thinking small to embracing the mindset of the wealthy. Learn to think, feel, and act in alignment with the prosperous individual you are destined to become.

02. Build an Automated Plan to Grow your Wealth 

You'll learn the step-by-step process to build your Money Map, an automated money management system designed to pay off debt, build savings and effortlessly grow your wealth. 

03. Invest in wealth building assets.

Learn the diverse landscape of wealth-building assets, including Real Estate, the Stock Market, and Business. Gain the knowledge to grow your money promptly and strategically.


But above all else…

The Holistic Money Program will help you finally feel secure, smart and intentional with your money so you can live the life of your dreams.

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Here's what you'll get when you enroll...


Learn the step-by-step process to dream, plan, and build a simple yet potent money management system that not only keeps you on track for your goals but also cultivates a wealthy mindset.
This course delves into financial education foundations, empowering you to manage your money, pay off debt, and invest according to your values.


Your Money Map Calculator is made specifically for "non-money" people. It takes the heavy lifting out of building your Money Plan and tells you exactly how much money to earn, spend, pay off debt and invest based on your financial goals. It will quickly become your favorite money tool for years to come.  

✨For a sneak peek at your Money Map, scroll below!✨


You will have weekly live calls to work on your money mindset and wealth building fundamentals. Plus, every student will get two individual 30-minute money coaching sessions with Whitney, a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER and money mindset expert, to be used at anytime during the program.
(Over $500 value) 



How to increase your income

We will explore different opportunities to increase your income using your time, money or talent. You will practice identifying and communicating your unique value, as well as how you can make more by doing less.

  • The formula to increase your income
  • Learn to communicate your value in a way that gets you paid more
  • Multiple Income Streams Philosophy & How to introduce new income streams in your life.


A Thriving Money Community

We are growing THE most supportive money community around.

You have 24/7 access to The Holistic Money Wealth Building group for money help and guidance.

And, yes, Whitney is a frequent visitor.

Here's a sneak peek into your Money Map!


Life will look radically different after The Holistic Money Program

Imagine wake up, open your bank accounts and see an organized, automated money system with growing savings and investment accounts. You are excited by the amazing future you’re building for yourself. 

You’re taking care of your money, and in exchange… it’s taking care of you

Life is completely expansive. The rental property you’ve always wanted is now within your reach. In fact, when you’re finished working for the day, you have an appointment with your realtor to view 3 potential properties. Then it’s onto a relaxing massage to prep you for your beach vacay! And it’s all possible because…

You're confident with money and you have a strong vision for your financial future. Your money system is completely automated and every month, you consistently save and invest, giving yourself a sense of safety and security while growing your wealth for the future. The fact is that you’ve come to love money the way you love the air you breathe. 

You don’t JUST understand your income goals — you have the motivation and direction needed to exponentially increase your income. 

In fact, you won’t just have the foundations of your finances set up. 

You’ll have the ability to get creative and wild with your money. 

That land you've been wanting to invest in? Buy it.

The huge charity donation? Make it. 

Starting a business to let your artistic side run wild? Do it. 

That’s the magic of the Holistic Money Course. 

Join the waitlist!

If you're ready to achieve financial freedom and a lifetime of confidence with money


I created the Holistic Money Course because traditional financial planning is not enough to get results and traditional life coaching is not enough to build a strategic money plan. I’m not your average financial planner and I am not your average life coach. Instead, I’m a unique combination of the two. Traditional financial planning or business coaching is not enough to get you results you want. 80% of building wealth is your mindset while the other 20% is building a plan. In this course, we will dive deep into both.




I'm Whitney Morrison, CFP

I planted the seeds for this financial career when I was twelve. I know it sounds weird, but while most kids my age were dreaming about becoming astronauts or rock stars, I set my sights on money. In my family, money was a consistent source of worry and fear.

I struggled for years as a financial planner until finally I woke up to a different, more meaningful approach. I studied money mindset, and finally began to understand how my relationship with money was actually reflective of my relationship to myself.  This work established the foundation for Holistic Money, which takes a comprehensive approach to finances, and addresses not only how to build a financial plan, but also how to feel confident with money. I’ve completely transformed my life through Holistic Money work. I’ve gone from $40,000 in debt to being a millionaire in just under 7 years. 

Now, I want to help you transform yours. 

I’m not some random financial guru with an internet degree. In addition to my decade of experience working at financial institutions, like WellsFargo Advisors, WealthSimple, and LegalZoom, I am also a Certified Financial Planner and Certified Life Coach through The Life Coach School. 

Financial Freedom is waiting for you.

What are you waiting for?

How it Breaks Down

  • 2 Individual 30-minute Money Sessions with Whitney
  • Step-by-step instructions how to build your Money Map and change your relationship with money.
  • Worksheets, workbooks and financial spreadsheets
  • Private Wealth Building Facebook Group
  • 6 Live Coaching Calls 
  • Access to Robust Liabrary of pre-recorded coaching calls so you can listen on the go 
  • You get to stay in the course and have lifetime access to all materials...forever
  • PLUS you get lifetime access to your personalized Money Map Calculator

What happens once I sign up?

  • You will get an email with your log-in to the program portal.
  • That email will also include a “Welcome Guide” that outlines exactly how to get started.
  • You will get the link to join the Facebook group.
  • Attend weekly live money coaching sessions.
  • Enjoy the course and all future updates for life!
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Here's a breakdown of The Holistic Money Course

Module One

Money Mindset

Your relationship with money is the single most important factor in your wealth building journey. It determines how much money you will earn and how much money you will keep.  In this section, we’ll dive into your personal relationship with money and will expose the ways you’re blocking or inviting financial prosperity.  Without addressing your money mindset, you will constantly be at battle with your biggest money enemy—yourself.

  • Family History with Money
  • Societal Programming / Common limiting money beliefs
  • Your Money belief blueprint
  • Step into your Wealthy Money Mindset

Module Two

Your Vision for the Future

Your personalized financial goals are the foundation of your Holistic Money plan and will lay out the path to achieving your financial free life. In this section, you’ll learn the framework for creating holistic income and early goals, and determining your spending goals.

Create your goals: 

  • Identify your personal values
  • Dream your financially free life
  • Create earning goals
  • Create spending goals

Module Three

Money Mapping Overview

This section is all about spending. Holistic Money uses a money management system called Money Mapping, which will allow you to finally say bye to budgeting and create an easy-to-understand map to simplify and automate your spending. In this section, we’ll focus on your LIFESTYLE expenses to define where you’ll direct your financial energy for the year.

  • Money Map Overview
  • Calculating your Bills
  • Determining Financial Habits
  • Understanding your spending, saving and investing percentages
  • Identifying the “Overspending” and “Underspending” Triggers

Module Four

Building your Money Map

This section is about putting the Money Map theories to practice for your everyday life. We will look at how each of your Lifestyle expenses breakdown in different categories and how you can leverage them to support the natural ebb-and-flow of life’s financial situation.

  • Build your Money Map
  • Calculating your Net Worth
  • "Future You" Savings & Investing 
  • Creating a sustainable debt payoff plan

Module Five

Putting your Money Map into Action

Identify and implement external structures to support your financial goals by automating your finances. In this section, we will ensure your financial system is working without you working! 

  • Choosing your Financial Institutions
  • Setting up Accounts, Deposits and Automatic Transfers
  • Key Mindset Shifts to Bring your Money Map to Life

Module Six

Invest for your Future

In the last module of the Holistic Money Course, you will learn the investing landscape so you can understand all the different ways to grow your money in the future. 

  • 3 asset classes (Real Estate, Stock Market, Business)
  • 3 ways to invest in the stock market
  • Real Estate Investing for beginners
  • Managing multiple income streams

Join the Holistic Money Course today!

I can't wait to welcome you into the

Holistic Money Program!

If you're still reading, there's something holding you back.

You may be asking yourself...

Hey you, you're still here! 


First, that you’re interested. 

And second… that you’re scared to take the plunge. I get it! Investing in yourself at any level can be terrifying, especially if you’ve never done it before. 

But here’s the thing: if you don’t start now, when will you? If you don’t decide, today, to get your financial future in order, when? 

You can’t breakup with your money, quit it or return it for a better model. Money is always with you. Even in the middle of a pandemic, the holiday’s or when you’re busy with too much on your plate.

Your brain may try to trick you into believing there are times to think about your finances and time to ignore your finances, but this is not the case. Your finances are always with you. Instead of ignoring or obsessing over your money, it's time to create a relationship with your money.

In this course, you will learn how to be in a fun, loving relationship with money so you leave the drama behind. Choosing to believe your brain's lies about when to focus on your money will encourage you to keep kicking your money dreams to the curb. 

I will tell you as I tell all of my clients. There is never a perfect time. The time is now. Stop chasing your dreams with money and start living them.

You won’t simply build a “money plan.” You will build a vision of the future so mouthwateringly enticing that you’ll wake up every single day excited to build that dream life. Most people fall flat because they just have a plan – not a vision, and certainly not the mindset to make it work.

This is sales at its finest – you’re selling yourself on your future. 

Join me to TRANSFORM your relationship to money and set the foundation for a LIFETIME of confidence and freedom with money. The money work we do will change your life. 100% guarantee.

Join the Holistic Money Course today!

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Join the Holistic Money Course today!